Friday, March 25, 2005

Historic District Designation

As some of you already know, Joe Treggor has proposed making the area of the former Maverick Art Colony, an historic district. He mentioned that the benefit of creating an historic district would prevent the possible widening of Maverick Road and would also protect the area from future development. Joe had already spoken to Dave Baker, the Hurley town historian about this matter and Joe reported to us that Dave Baker said that the county could very well widen Maverick Rd. and in so doing, could acquire needed land through eminent domain.
Some of us expressed concern about the possible constrictions on our property.

In the interest of becoming better informed, I phoned Dave Baker two days ago to find out more about the designation of historic district, pros & cons. I also mentioned the former Noda Memorial Museum which is the property adjacent to mine and dates from the mid 1700's. He was interested in seeing that building, so he came here and spoke at length about historic district designation and the Federal Landmark Program. It was a very informative meeting and he offered to meet with any residents who were interested and he could also bring zoning maps and any other information we wanted. I asked him about possible development in this area and he replied that the properties here are about as divided as they can be since you can only divide into four acre parcels but he did say that the county without any notification has been widening small roads. He explained that landmark designation might apply to only a few buildings and not to the entire property, but the important thing is to have it on both sides of the road which would preserve the road as is.
I explained to him that some of us are only here on weekends and he replied that he would be glad to accomodate us. I thanked him for his generosity and he said that it is our tax dollars at work, paying for his time.
If any of you are interested in having a meeting with our town historian, and learning more about the historic area designation, I will be glad to hold the meeting at my home. Doris


Blogger Musa Mayer said...

I understand from Doris that the Maverick Concert Hall already has landmark status, and I'm wondering if the Carl Walters hand-built stone studio and kiln on our property might also qualify. Another possibility might be the Hague house and studio. It might be worth contacting the Foundation to see if they might be interested.

1:28 PM  
Blogger Doris said...

If we meet with Dave Baker, the town historian, we can find out. He suggested the cottage on my property which was the writing studio of Henry Morton Robinson and the former Noda Memorial Museum next door as two possibilities. The more, the better, I suppose.

2:11 PM  
Blogger Musa Mayer said...

Sounds like a good idea, but let's get others involved and hold this meeting this summer, when most people are in Woodstock.


2:35 PM  
Blogger Doris said...

Dave Baker, has seen our blog as noted in this excerpt from the e-mail i received from him yesterday:

"I read your blog site and went to all the links and gathered more information on the artists that were once a part of the Maverick, and more." Dave

Perhaps this blog can serve as our meeting place with Dave Baker posting to it. It might be possible to accomplish more by exchanging ideas over a period of time such as this method offers rather than a one time meeting. I'd appreciate hearing some of your thoughts on this. Doris

7:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sale of the properties in the Maverick Colony seem to have begun in the early 50s. But, has the colony really ceased to exist?

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am the Town Historian. I have talked to Doris a number of times on the issues you people have, collectively. The big issue is the upcoming Celebration. I have offered to have a historic sign erected indicating to the public the general location of the Hervey White Farm/Maverick Colony. Cost would be born by my budget, and the sign would be maintained by the Town.

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary and Siri stated there is a educational sign on Rte. 375. This is true, it is at the head of Maverick Road where it connects with Rte. 375. However, the sign is in Woodstock and is maintained by Woodstock. That I would like to do is put one on the Maverick property stating that "you are here!!!". Use the Woodstock sign to say "go this way" and we will say, "You are here".

3:01 PM  
Blogger Doris said...

Appearing in The Woodstock Times, 4/7/05 issue on Pg. 11 is the article,"Shouldering the Load, Should Ulster County build wider county roads?" The commissioner of county dept. of roads is quoted saying "I would love to have shoulders on every county road". Funding is the biggest problem according to sources quotes in the article. (I could not provide a link to this article as it is not included on the Woodstock Times website)

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just read the home page for the Maverick display at New Paltz. There is nothing I can do about it except state that the Maveric is situated in West Hurley, Town of Hurley, and has never been annexed to the Town of Woodstock. I hope future actions taken to recognize the MAverick will place it in the right community.
I would like to see all of the West Hurley residences listed as West Hurley, not Woodstock. The reason for todays confusion lies in the fact that West Hurley relied on Woodstock as a source of services-doctors, goods and food, when the phone system was put in. In those days it would have been a toll call from West Hurley to Woodstock, so the phone company and the post office worked their collective magic. Today it is not needed and should be put back to what things once were. Woodstock gets enough credit, even as far away as Bethel.

3:32 PM  

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